Conjugate function
1 Conjugate (dual) function
Let f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}. The function f^*: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R} is called convex conjugate (Fenchel’s conjugate, dual, Legendre transform) f(x) and is defined as follows:
f^*(y) = \sup\limits_{x \in \mathbf{dom} \; f} \left( \langle y,x\rangle - f(x)\right).
Let’s notice, that the domain of the function f^* is the set of those y, where the supremum is finite.
1.1 Properties
Using the geometric intuition above, draw the conjugate function to the function below:
Straightforward from the definition: \inf\limits_{x \in \mathbf{dom} \; f} f(x) = -f^*(0)
f^*(y) - is always a closed convex function (a point-wise supremum of closed convex functions) on y. (Function f:X\rightarrow R is called closed if \mathbf{epi}(f) is a closed set in X\times R.)
Fenchel–Young inequality:
f(x) + f^*(y) \ge \langle y,x \rangle
Let the functions f(x), f^\star(y), f^{\star\star}(x) be defined on the \mathbb{R}^n. Then f^{\star\star}(x) = f(x) if and only if f(x) - is a proper convex function (Fenchel - Moreau theorem). (proper convex function = closed convex function)
Consequence from Fenchel–Young inequality: f(x) \ge f^{\star\star}(x).
In case of differentiable function, f(x) - convex and differentiable, \mathbf{dom}\; f = \mathbb{R}^n. Then x^\star = \underset{x}{\operatorname{argmin}} \langle x,y\rangle - f(x). Therefore y = \nabla f(x^\star). That’s why:
f^\star(y) = \langle \nabla f(x^\star), x^\star \rangle - f(x^\star)
f^\star(y) = \langle \nabla f(z), z \rangle - f(z), \;\;\;\;\;\; y = \nabla f(z), \;\; z \in \mathbb{R}^n
Let f(x,y) = f_1(x) + f_2(y), where f_1, f_2 - convex functions, then
f^*(p,q) = f_1^*(p) + f_2^*(q)
Let f(x) \le g(x)\;\; \forall x \in X. Let also f^\star(y), g^\star(y) be defined on Y. Then \forall x \in X, \forall y \in Y
f^\star(y) \ge g^\star(y) \;\;\;\;\;\; f^{\star\star}(x) \le g^{\star\star}(x)
1.2 Examples
The scheme of recovering the convex conjugate is pretty algorithmic: 1. Write down the definition f^\star(y) = \sup\limits_{x \in \mathbf{dom} \; f} \left( \langle y,x\rangle - f(x)\right) = \sup\limits_{x \in \mathbf{dom} \; g} g(x,y). 1. Find those y, where \sup\limits_{x \in \mathbf{dom} \; g} g(x,y) is finite. That’s the domain of the dual function f^\star(y). 1. Find x^\star, which maximize g(x,y) as a function on x. f^\star(y) = g(x^\star, y).
Find f^*(y), if f(x) = ax + b.
- By definition: f^*(y) = \sup\limits_{x \in \mathbb{R}} [ yx - f(x) ]=\sup\limits_{x \in \mathbb{R}} g(x,y) \quad \mathbf{dom} \; f^* = \{y \in \mathbb{R} : \sup\limits_{x \in \mathbb{R}} g(x,y) \text{ is finite}\}
- Consider the function whose supremum is the conjugate: g(x,y) = yx - f(x) = yx - ax - b = x(y - a) - b.
- Let’s determine the domain of the function (i.e. those y for which \sup is finite). This is a single point, y = a. Otherwise one may choose such x
- Thus, we have: \mathbf{dom} \; f^* = \{a\}; f^*(a) = -b
Find f^*(y), if f(x) = \dfrac{1}{x}, \;\; x\in \mathbb{R}_{++}.
Find f^*(y), if f(x) = -\log x, \;\; x\in \mathbb{R}_{++}.
- Consider the function whose supremum defines the conjugate: g(x,y) = \langle y,x\rangle - f(x) = yx + \log x.
- This function is unbounded above when y \ge 0. Therefore, the domain of f^* is \mathbf{dom} \; f^* = \{y < 0\}.
- This function is concave and its maximum is achieved at the point with zero gradient: \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x} (yx + \log x) = \dfrac{1}{x} + y = 0. Thus, we have x = -\dfrac1y and the conjugate function is: f^*(y) = -\log(-y) - 1.
Find f^*(y), if f(x) = e^x.
- Consider the function whose supremum defines the conjugate: g(x,y) = \langle y,x\rangle - f(x) = yx - e^x.
- This function is unbounded above when y < 0. Thus, the domain of f^* is \mathbf{dom} \; f^* = \{y \ge 0\}.
- The maximum of this function is achieved when x = \log y. Hence: f^*(y) = y \log y - y, assuming 0 \log 0 = 0.
Find f^*(y), if f(x) = x \log x, x \neq 0, and f(0) = 0, \;\;\; x \in \mathbb{R}_+.
- Consider the function whose supremum defines the conjugate: g(x,y) = \langle y,x\rangle - f(x) = xy - x \log x.
- This function is upper bounded for all y. Therefore, \mathbf{dom} \; f^* = \mathbb{R}.
- The maximum of this function is achieved when x = e^{y-1}. Hence: f^*(y) = e^{y-1}.
Find f^*(y), if f(x) =\frac{1}{2} x^T A x, \;\;\; A \in \mathbb{S}^n_{++}.
- Consider the function whose supremum defines the conjugate: g(x,y) = \langle y,x\rangle - f(x) = y^T x - \frac{1}{2} x^T A x.
- This function is upper bounded for all y. Thus, \mathbf{dom} \; f^* = \mathbb{R}.
- The maximum of this function is achieved when x = A^{-1}y. Hence: f^*(y) = \frac{1}{2} y^T A^{-1} y.
Find f^*(y), if f(x) = \max\limits_{i} x_i, \;\;\; x \in \mathbb{R}^n.
- Consider the function whose supremum defines the conjugate: g(x,y) = \langle y,x\rangle - f(x) = y^T x - \max\limits_{i} x_i.
- Observe that if vector y has at least one negative component, this function is not bounded by x.
- If y \succeq 0 and 1^T y > 1, then y \notin \mathbf{dom} \; f^*(y).
- If y \succeq 0 and 1^T y < 1, then y \notin \mathbf{dom} \; f^*(y).
- Only left with y \succeq 0 and 1^T y = 1. In this case, x^T y \le \max\limits_i x_i.
- Hence, f^*(y) = 0.
Revenue and profit functions. We consider a business or enterprise that consumes n resources and produces a product that can be sold. We let r = (r_1, \ldots , r_n) denote the vector of resource quantities consumed, and S(r) denote the sales revenue derived from the product produced (as a function of the resources consumed). Now let p_i denote the price (per unit) of resource i, so the total amount paid for resources by the enterprise is p^\top r. The profit derived by the firm is then S(r) − p^\top r. Let us fix the prices of the resources, and ask what is the maximum profit that can be made, by wisely choosing the quantities of resources consumed. This maximum profit is given by
M(p) = \sup\limits_{r}\left( S(r) - p^\top r \right)
The function M(p) gives the maximum profit attainable, as a function of the resource prices. In terms of conjugate functions, we can express M as M(p) = (−S)^*(−p). Thus the maximum profit (as a function of resource prices) is closely related to the conjugate of gross sales (as a function of resources consumed).
2 References
- Great intuition behind the Legendre-Fenchel transform.